Black Lion Patcham

24/03/2009 7.30PM



Present: Simon Tunley (ST) (Secretary), Fiona Western (FW), Mike Tonge (MT), Paul Millman (PM) (Chair), Karl Manning (KM), and Andy Turner (AT)




1.        Apologies for absence                                         

 John Parr (JP), Mick Sheeran (MS) Karla Pett (KP), Ian Robinson (IR) Chris Markham (CM), Justyn Price (JUP England Squash) and Mike Philips (MP)


2.         Minutes of previous meeting/Matters Arising

            The minutes from the 03/12/2008 were accepted as an accurate record.

ST to contact KP to see if still able to produce the newsletter as FW believes she maybe going off travelling.


Graham Stevenson to complete child protection    workshop in order to complete coaching licence. MT to follow up as essential he has this if he is to continue coaching the county squads. Courses are run by the Sussex Sport Partnership and information can be found at  


3.       Newsletter


See point 2 above.


4.            Senior County Closed


Sussex Men’s County closed squash championships 2008/09



The men’s county closed took place on 24/25 Jan at Chichester Racquets and Fitness Club for the first time, and although the top professionals were not available this season the draw still boasted a competitive field

Top seed was Ben Hutton of Corals with club mate Dave Mann at 2 and Chichester pair Steve Wykes and Simon Randall at 3 and 4 respectively.

The opening round went to form with none of the top players troubled pick of the round was Tony Adams 3-1 win over Paul Wykes both from Chichester.

In to the quarter finals with the top 3 seeds progressing untroubled although Steve Wykes made a meal out of his 3-2 win over Chichester’s Nick Smith, however 4th seed Simon Randall lost out 9-7 in the 5th to up and coming junior Ryan Whiteley of Corals.


The semi finals followed on the Sunday morning and top seed Ben Hutton played almost error free squash to defeat Whiteley 9/2 9/0 9/2

Dave Mann (2) v Steve Wykes (3) proved to be a great match with Mann taking a 2 games to 1 lead before Wykes fought back to take the 4th and 5th 9/3 9/1

So to the final and the question was did Wykes have enough gas in the tank to beat a player who was relatively fresh, the answer almost

Both players started out playing brilliant squash and sharing the opening two games before Wykes made a big push to take the 3rd, the effort of this and the mornings semi had taken its toll and although 1-2 down Hutton upped the speed and pace to take the last reserves out of his opponent taking the 4th and 5th 9/0 9/2.


So Ben Hutton is the new Sussex County Champion and his name joins alot of other great players on the magnificent cup congratulations to him.

As for Steve Wykes a great performance and at 19 year of age his day will surely come.


The plate event produced some competitive matches with 4 Chichester players in the semis. Paul Wykes defeated Alex Fuller 3-0 and Leon Haylock beat Sam Wall in a very competitive 3-1. The Final was one match too many for Haylock and Wykes experience saw him through 3-1 to take the plate competition.


A good weekends Squash, many thanks to Chichester for hosting the event, and to all the players for participating and everyone that marked.

A special thank you to Malcolm Whiteley for volunteering his services and marking the final


MP has suggested Chichester are happy to hosts again and the committee would like to thank him for is efforts on this. To discuss further at next meeting.


5.         Hon. Treasurer’s report    


JP sent updated accounts to ST, which were distributed to the committee. All ok although there is a query still on why the line for squad fees for U11/13 is blank and on the issue of which budget funds county matches especially those away from home. It would be good if JP and VP could confirm this and how a quick decision can be reached on expenditure for junior county matches.


FW confirmed that Ernie Alcock from Corals has shown interest in taking on the role of treasurer; it was agreed that FW would contact with a copy of the accounts so he can see what it involves. It was agreed that if he seemed interested then PM and ST should meet with him to discuss the role. References would be required due to the nature of the remit.


 Main concern was that Storrington SC has not paid their England Squash fees. It was agreed that CM should contact the club to confirm that they can not enter a team into the league next season unless all their outstanding debt has been paid by the start of the season; this includes league fees as well. They will not be included in fixture meeting unless fees are paid. CM has also agreed to chase up David Lloyd who  are in the same position


6.          Senior and Junior League Reports


All has gone well in both senior and junior leagues. Although FW has great concerns on being able to run a ladies division 1 next season as they are down to 3 teams, does not seem viable. Fixture meeting has been agreed to be hosted at the Olympos Burgess Hill on the 28th May 2009 7.45pm start. FW and CM to let clubs know.


MT mentioned he was trying to gauge interest in a racketball league but as yet is awaiting to hear back from clubs in the east of the county. FW asked who would run and would it be on LMIS. PM endorsed the idea but further discussion was needed. MT to continue trying to push.


MS confirmed junior leagues were going well and all games were being played and fixtures re-arranged ok.


7.         County Teams/ Organisers


ST confirmed all has gone ok so far and the results where possible have been posted on the website. Senior men’s/women’s and racketball still to be played.



8.            England Squash


ST confirmed that we would be submitting a bid for an awards for all grant based on recommendations form ES; this would be used to develop coaching; schools outreach programme and club open days. Coaching bursaries were discussed and AT stated he would be keen to look for support from the SSRA on this. PM asked AT to submit info to ST so we could move his application forward.


JUP sent through an email confirming a lot of good work happening in the county. Leisure centres seem to be engaging now with ES and are trying to set up both racketball, 50+ and mini squash sessions, this includes Olympos group and DC leisure. Steyning leisure centre have joined England Squash and John Millard will be starting a programme there from April. The good work at K2 continues to thrive and they have joined ES as well with 59 members.


MT provided feedback of the forum held by ES London Region. See appendix 1 for notes on this meeting. Key highlights were ES had got an additional 40% funding and four major leisure organisations are looking to work with ES including DC Leisure.



9.            Junior Development/County squads


MT raised issue of hosting junior clinics again utilising Graham Stevenson or Mike Philips at the University of Sussex. Needs to confirm dates and times. Key is to have pathways to clubs in the county especially for anyone new to the game. A need to focus on girls and those from the east of the county as limited squash happening here.


Brief discussion was had again on the parity of payment for the county coaches although people felt the status quo should be kept. However there should be more transparency in regards the fees, especially from GS who does not send his fees into VP until the end of the year, hence the missing line on the accounts. There is a need for better auditing of accounts. MT to discuss further with GS.



11.       Coaching and Referees Workshop


ST stated both had gone well we had up to 10 people potentially becoming provisional county referees in Sussex. Exam still to be done. Coaching workshop went ok although Mike Harris would have hoped for more Sussex based coaches to attend.




12.      AOB


 AT said he had spoken with Alan Thatcher about hosting some junior tournaments in Kent and Sussex involving A grade junior players. Pm agreed we should look at it. Challenge is who lead and publicise. AT to feedback.


Both going to par 11 and the idea of changing SSRA’s name in line with England Squash and Racketball , were raised and it was agreed both should be discussed at next committee meeting and then raised at the AGM if necessary. MT also asked that we reviewed the county development plan next time.ST to add to next agenda


It was also agreed to raise the pro rule at the fixture meeting to get a consensus on whether it has been detrimental to the standard of squash in the premier league.


Date for next committee meeting will be the 9th June 2009 Weald SC 7.30pm start.  ST to book.


AGM to be hosted at the University of Sussex Falmer Sports Complex on the 16th July 2009 7.00pm. ST to book.







































































































































































































































































Appendix 1


LONDON AREA FORUM                                                                ST. GEORGES HILL LTC


Tuesday 17th March 2009




Justyn Price                  London Area Manager

Barbara Peddy              London & South East Area Administrator

Mike Harris                    Area Academy Director

Mike Tonge                   Sussex Junior Co-ordinator

Len Locke                     Kent Secretary

Tim Stainton                  Surrey League Secretary

Darnesh Bansal             Kent Representative/Black Lion Leisure Centre


Aim of Area Forum and Introduction

JP explained that the aim of the Area Forum is to bring all the County Associations within his region together for a general update on what his role is at ES & R and to explain how counties and club can benefit from Area Team.  Everyone in turn formally introduced themselves and their role within their County.

England Squash & Racketball Business Plan and Funding 2009-13

JP explained the Business Plan for 2009-13.  To write the Plan ES & R conducted lots of research.  The main 3 sources of information were:

o    Active People Survey conducted by IPSOS Mori

o    Active Places which is Sport England’s Facility Audit 

  • Squash & Racketball Survey. JP informed the Forum that The Squash & Racketball Survey mirrored distribution of Sport England Survey respondents, increasing statistical significance of data.


The Whole Sport Plan Themes

JP explained the Whole Sport Plan Themes in depth, these being:

  • Clubs – helping to provide programmes that engage the community
  • Public Facilities – supporting centres, training staff, developing pay & play market
  • The University Sector – encouraging student to take up new sport on campus
  • Workplace Squash & Racketball – taster sessions and inter business competitions
  • Young People – continuing to build upon successful Mini Squash School programme
  • Talent Development & Elite Performance – building the best player pathway

JP informed the Forum that DC Leisure have recently agreed a Partnership Agreement with ES & R to provide court time for free during the day to run both Junior and Senior programmes of squash and Racketball.

JP then went on to explain a little bit about each County Development Coach within his team:

Jo Robinson - Surrey

Jo has introduced and coached 1500 children in Mini Squash per year in various schools within her region.  She is now mentoring teachers in schools for Mini Squash - who will then be able to deliver Mini Squash themselves.  A Schools Festival is taking place on Sunday 29th March which has been organised by Jo.  This festival will involve children from schools from three district being: Mole Valley, Elmbridge and Epsom & Ewell.

Graeme Williams – Surrey


Graeme Williams started with ESR in July 08 as the County Development Coach.  Since joining Graeme has been working out of schools within the London Boroughs of Surrey.  He delivers Mini Squash to schools and leisure centres and has also introduced Racketball into a few clubs within the County.  Graeme recently organised a Mini Squash Tournament at The Roehampton Club with Paul Lindsay where 30 children took part in Fundation, Improver and Pro squash.  Children from the local school Heathmere took part along with other juniors from Surrey.

John Millard – Sussex


John works out of Mid Sussex Local Council facilities.  Like Graeme, John started with ESR in August 08 and his success has been to set up Mini Squash in East Grinstead Leisure Centre where they did not have any juniors playing prior to his appointment.  The Mini Squash has been so successful with the juniors that he has now established links with Dunnings Mill Squash & Racketball club.  He has also added a 50+ Racketball weekly session to Burgess Hill which was not on their programme and in Haywards Heath he has Ladies Participating in Racketball.  In all three programmes the numbers have increased.


Steve Franks – Kent

Steve Franks is the Kent Squash & Racketball Co-ordinator and joined ESR in August 08.  Steve is mainly focused on increasing the number of women participating in Squash and Racketball.  He has a particular success at Poult Wood S & R C where numbers have reached up to 15 new participants.  He has also helped to develop similar programmes at Maidstone Squash Club, Syndale Park and Cascade Leisure Centre.


ESR Funding Update

JP handed out to all County associates the January, February and March Funding Newsletter which was well received. This included details of Awards for All applications, the B & Q supplies scheme to help with club based DIY, and the O2  Community grants programme.


JP also provided each representative with examples of successful funding application for developing junior squash and Racketball programmes from Kent and Surrey.

Mike Harris – Area Academy Director

MH introduced himself and gave a brief description of his role with ESR in

Coaching and as the Area Academy Director for the London South East and South West regions.  MH is in charge of the Area Academy Programme for juniors within his three regions  which sits under the National Programme.  MH is keen to bridge the gap between ESR and the County by holding County Coaches Workshops for a fee of £100.00 followed by a County Squad.  These have been well received in the South West and South East but not so good in the London/Surrey/Kent counties. The aim of the workshops is to support the County Coaches and gather information with an open forum.

The U11 programme is in its first year and has proved to be extremely successful with over 30 players participating in squads within the regions. With CDC going into schools this is another way in which players can be talent ID and passed onto MH.

MH explained the Inter Area Championships which is being held in Birmingham in April where every region will have teams of Boys and Girls U13, 15 & 17’s and an U11 Mixed representing their region. This is a fantastic weekend where players/parents/coaches/area managers all get to cheer on their regional teams and is also well attend by the Development Team of ESR.

MH explained that he holds 2 Mini Squads per month in each region.  These squads are for all players who have been to the Area Academies and can be booked on a first come first served basis.  MH sends invitations out via email to players notifying them of when and where the Mini Squads will be held.  MH confirmed these have been extremely successful at a cost of £10.00 per session from 6.30 – 8.30 p.m. on a weekday night.


It was agreed by all the County representatives that the Forum was a really good opportunity to get up to speed with ESR programmes and to learn more about how clubs and counties can benefit.  There was a suggestion from the Group that each county nominate an officer who will liaise with Area Office on a regular basis to ensure maximum benefit received from both parties. Action :  Links with Chair/Secretary/JP & MH to organise

The County representatives also agreed that they were finding it difficult getting County Volunteers to go on the Committee.

JP thanked everyone for taking the time to attend the Area Forum and informed them that there would be another Forum before the start of the season.  The meeting then closed, supper was served followed by PSL.





25th March 2009